Sunday, March 27, 2011

[BIBLE] And she treasured these things in her heart...

It's been a while since I've written...

Although there are many things I'd like to share, on my way home from work today I felt moved to share something I'd read during my daily morning Bible reading.

Although I read from the Bible almost everyday, it's generally only while I'm eating my breakfast, and so I don't always feel like I'm "doing enough". I'm not studying enough, I don't KNOW enough. In addition, I've tried multiple things: writing down my favorite verses after each reading, writing notes about my thoughts following each reading, and even keeping a Bible study-esque journal. Unfortunately, I haven't kept up with any of these things, generally because "there isn't enough time". However, looking back, the one thing I enjoyed doing the most was writing down my favorite verses. Why?
ほとんど毎朝、聖書を読むようにしていても、いつもだいたい朝ご飯を食べる時に読んでいる から、時々足りないって感じる。たくさん勉強しているわけでもないし、聖書のことを十分理解しているわけでもないし。それに、一番好きなみことばをノート に書いたり、聖書を読んだ後に考えたことを書き留めたり、日記も書いたり、たくさんのことをやってみたけど、残念ながら、今まで続けることができなかっ た。時間もないし。でもよく考えてみると、今まで続けようと試したものの中で一番楽しいと感じたのは、自分の一番好きな聖書のみことばを書くことだと思 う。

For starters, it was pretty quick. I just picked out a few verses that really stood out, and wrote them down. Because I used small note paper to write them on, it was easy for me to then take the notes to work with me and post it somewhere where I could easily read it. Throughout the day, when I needed a spiritual pick-me-up or just wanted to remember what I had read, I could look over & read it again. I pondered over it. I treasured it in my heart.
まず、あんまり時間 がかからないから。その時、気になった何節かを選んで書き留めるだけだし、小さいノートに書くから、職場に持って行って、見やすい所にも貼ったりできる。 その日、一日中、僕は励ましがほしい時とか、読んだ箇所を思い出したい時にも、何回でも読むことができる。ゆっくり考えて、その聖書のことばを心に刻む。

 Today I read from the book of Luke, the account of when he and his family went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. For those of you who aren't familiar, the Feast of the Passover was a celebration in remembrance of when God freed his people, the Jews, from bondage to the Egyptians. After the feast, Jesus's earthly mother and father, Mary and Joseph, left the city to return to their home. Unbeknown to them, Jesus had stayed behind at the temple in Jerusalem. After traveling a day, they realized he was missing and hurried back to find him. When they found him at the temple, sitting among the teachers there, listening & asking them questions, they grew upset with him and asked "Why did you do such a thing to us, we were so worried!" But Jesus answered, "Why were you searching for me? Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" By "Father" Jesus was not referring to his earthly father, Joseph, but to God, his Heavenly Father, who's earthly house was the temple in Jerusalem. At that time, Mary didn't understand what Jesus was talking about, but the Bible records that she "treasured all these things in her heart." (Luke 2:51)
過 越しの祭りとは、神様がユダヤ人をエジプト人の抑圧から助けてくれたことを思い出して感謝するための祭り。その祭りのあと、イエスのこの世の両親であるマ リアとヨセフは、家に帰って来た。でも、2人はその日、イエスがイスラエルのあるお寺に泊まったことを知らず、翌日になってイエスがまだ帰ってきていない ことに気付き、また2人はイスラエルに戻った。イエスがそのお寺で、大人たちと話しをしている姿を見た2人は、「なぜ私たちを困らせたのか?」とイエスと 叱った。するとイエスは、「なぜわたしをお探しになったのですか?わたしが、わたしの父の家にいることを知らなかったのですか?」と言った。ここでイエス の言う「父」とは、ヨセフのことではなく、天の父である神様のこと。その時マリアは、イエスの話したことの意味が理解できなかったけれど、彼女は「これら のことをみな、心に留めておいた」と聖書に記録されている(ルカ2章51節)。

Earlier in the Gospel of Luke, he gave an account for the birth of Jesus. When the shepherds, who had been told by the angels that they would find the Savior of the world lying in a manger, found the baby Jesus just as the angels had told them, they were elated and began telling everyone they knew about what they had seen and heard. Again, the Bible records that Mary "treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart". (Luke 2:19)
ルカの福音書の初めの方には、イエスの誕生について書かれている。御使いに救い主であるイエスの誕生について聞いていた羊飼い たちは、飼い葉桶で眠っている幼いイエスを見て、喜んだ。そして、他の人にもこのイエスの誕生を伝えた。ここでもマリアが「これらのことをすべて心に納め て、思い巡らしていた」と聖書に書かれている(ルカ2章19節)。

Whenever something great happened, even if she didn't understand exactly what it all meant, Mary took all those memories and treasured them up in her heart. She pondered them, and I believe this not only gave her joy during times of sorrow, but it also gave her a great appreciation for God and all that he was doing her her life.

Likewise, when I write down those notes & keep them in front of me, I'm able to "store them in my heart" and ponder them. Even if I don't understand the meaning right away, over time I believe God will reveal their truth to me, and that truth will give me great joy!
それと同じように、僕もみことばをノート に書いて、目のつくところに貼っておくことで、いつでも自分の心に神様のことばを納め、考えることができる。その時は意味が分からなかったとしても、少し ずつ神様が僕にその意味を教えてくれること、そしてその真実が僕に大きな喜びを与えてくれることを信じている。

Similarly, I believe we can apply this practice to any good thing that happens in life: the birth of a child, the words of praise from a friend, family member, or co-worker, or words of thanks from someone we helped out. If we store things like these in our hearts & ponder them, we can easily recall them during periods of our life when we're sad or feeling rejected. We can remember the times when we felt blessed by God and that will give us the strength to praise and thank him even when we don't feel so blessed. It also makes us less likely to act out in anger and hurt others.
こうやって聖書のことばを心に刻むように、何か良いことがあったら、例えば、赤ちゃんが生まれたり、友達や家 族、同僚から褒めてもらったり、何かを助けてあげた人からの感謝の言葉をもらったりした時、その出来事を心に納めていると、悲しい時にも喜びを思い出すこ とができる。神様からの祝福がないように感じる時でも、それまでにもらった祝福を思い出すと、神様に感謝する力が与えられる。そうすると、怒ったり、人を 傷付けてしまうことって、すごく少なくなると思う。

So whenever someone does something nice for you or says something nice to you, don't lightly accept the help or compliment and quickly forget about it: treasure it! Let it penetrate your heart, where you can store it & ponder it for later. It will bring joy not only to you, but to your Heavenly Father as well. God bless!
だから、いつでも人から何か良いことをしてもらったり、嬉しい言葉をもらった時は、軽く受け止めて、すぐに忘れてしまうので はなく、しっかり心に刻む。自分の心に染み込ませて、納めておいて、ゆっくり思い巡らす。そうすることで、自分自身にも喜びが与えられるし、天にいる僕た ちのお父さんもそれを喜んでくれる。

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

[BIBLE] Persistence in Prayer

Recently, I've been trying to be more consistent (and purposeful) in spending time with God each day.  Although this can and will take on many forms, I always want it to include prayer, as well as reading from God's Word.

With that said, part of my prayer tonight was simply that God would enable me to pray more consistently, and to really understand what it means to pray.  I somehow ended up reading out of Luke, in particular Luke 11:5-13, which reads:
5 Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; 6 a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him.’ 7 And suppose the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’ 8 I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.
   9 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
   11 “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

5 そして彼らに言われた、「あなたがたのうちのだれかに、友人があるとして、その人のところへ真夜中に行き、『友よ、パンを三つ貸してください。
6 友だちが旅先からわたしのところに着いたのですが、何も出すものがありませんから』と言った場合、
7 彼は内から、『面倒をかけないでくれ。もう戸は締めてしまったし、子供たちもわたしと一緒に床にはいっているので、いま起きて何もあげるわけにはいかない』と言うであろう。
8 しかし、よく聞きなさい、友人だからというのでは起きて与えないが、しきりに願うので、起き上がって必要なものを出してくれるであろう。
9 そこでわたしはあなたがたに言う。求めよ、そうすれば、与えられるであろう。捜せ、そうすれば見いだすであろう。門をたたけ、そうすれば、あけてもらえるであろう。
10 すべて求める者は得、捜す者は見いだし、門をたたく者はあけてもらえるからである。
11 あなたがたのうちで、父であるものは、その子が魚を求めるのに、魚の代りにへびを与えるだろうか。
12 卵を求めるのに、さそりを与えるだろうか。
13 このように、あなたがたは悪い者であっても、自分の子供には、良い贈り物をすることを知っているとすれば、天の父はなおさら、求めて来る者に聖霊を下さらないことがあろうか」。

Most Christians know that we're to take our petitions to the Father in prayer, but how many of us really believe those prayers will be answered?  Are we persistent in prayer, like the man persisted in asking his friend for the loaves of bread, or do we stay at home, not wanting to "bother" God with our prayers?  Or maybe we prayed for something once, but figured that was enough, that anything more than that would be a nuisance to God?  Absolutely not!!  God WANTS us to come to him, he WANTS us to pray boldly, and he WANTS us to pray faithfully.  
殆どみんなのクリスチャンは神様にお祈りでお願いを聞くのがわかるけど、そのお祈りを本当に神様に答えられますのを信じる人は何人ですか。私たちはパンをお願いした男の人のように 何回も神様に祈りますが、神様を迷惑をかけないように、何もしない?もしかして、一回何かについて祈って、神様を迷惑をかけないように、一回がいいって思った?そんなことはないよ!神様がみんな来て、思い切って祈って、毎日祈るのが欲しいだよ!

So if you want to ask God for something, don't be afraid!  Be bold!!  The worst he can say is "no" or "not now"...and if that happens, there's probably a very good reason for it.  Have faith and try; the only thing worse than hearing "no" is hearing nothing at all because you never asked!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Going through open windows

The past few days, God has been very faithful in providing opportunities, for both practicing Japanese AND sharing my faith :-D
最近神様が日本語を練習すると自分の信仰について話機会を与えてくれました :D

The first opportunity occurred last Sunday night.  I was riding the train home from church, when suddenly I heard someone say, "ah, Jeremy-sensei!" (i.e. "Oh, Mr. Jeremy!").  Typically, no one outside of my English classes (or work) refer to me as "Jeremy-sensei", so I thought it was strange to hear someone saying it on the train.  So I turned around, and to my surprise, there stood one of the (Japanese) teachers from my school!  I saw that she was surrounded by several young girls, so my initial thought was that maybe she was a girl's badminton coach or something...nope, they were her DAUGHTERS!!  All of them!  There were six girls in all, I couldn't believe it!  In America, such large families are becoming rare, but in Japan they're nearly unheard of.  Anyways, a couple of them were in JH, so they attempted to ask me some questions in English (w/ some success), including the wonderful testimony-opener: why did you come to Japan?  Unfortunately, at that point I had less than 5min to tell my story, so I gave the most abridged version EVER (essentially, "God told me to come") and hoped that was enough for them to understand.
一番目の機会が日曜日の夜に来た。電車に乗ってで、突然「ああ、ジェレミー先生!」って誰かを言われたんですけど、あまり仕事以外誰も僕に「ジェレミー先生」っていうことを言われないんだから、「何それ?誰言ったん?」と思った。 それで、僕は振り向いてで、僕の仕事の先生いた!彼女は六人の女の子に囲まれただから、あの先生は女の子のバドミントンチームを連れてもらってると思ったけど、実はあの子は先生の娘さんでした!全部!ロク人の娘、信じられなかった!アメリカの家族でも、そういう多い子どもがいる状態は珍しいだけど、日本は殆どないです!とにかく、あの子の中の二人か3人の子は中学生だから、英語で質問を聞いてみて、このすごい自分の証を言う機会込み:どうして日本に来ましたか。あいにく、その時に僕の日本に来た話を教えられるように5分以下あったんだから、本当に一番の短い簡略版を言った。でも、その話の意味理解できるかどうかわからないんだ。

My second opportunity came in a way that I least expected, but has been becoming more common recently: during one of my lessons!  I asked my student what she had done the previous week, and she told me about "setsubun" (a festival where they drive away evil spirits by throwing beans at them) and some of the traditions surrounding that.  When I asked her what the purpose of it all was, she said it was to "get rid of bad spirits, and to let in good spirits; to have a happy life!"  she then asked me if I was a Christian, which opened the door for me to talk about my faith, how Christianity is more about a relationship w/ God and not simply asking him for things at the temple a few times/year.  To my surprise, she used to attend a Catholic church (in Kobe) when she was younger, and even attended a Protestant highschool!  She said that, though she is Buddhist (which nearly every Japanese will say just by virtue of being Japanese), Christianity was actually much easier to understand than Buddhism!  She said she loved how Christians always sang songs, and prayed everyday as opposed to most (Japanese) Buddhists who only prayed at special occassions, and even then only to ask for something :-/
あたしは仏教家だても、 仏教よりキリスト教のほうがわかりやすい」って言った!クリスチャンはいつも歌を歌って、毎日祈るから大好きだって言われた。一方仏教家は特別な状態か何か欲しいことがある時しか祈らないって :ー/

Father God, thank you so much for both of these wonderful opportunities!  Please continue to bless me w/ more such opportunities, and help me to faithfully take advantage of them as they come ^_^
天のお父さん、素晴らしい機会を与えてくれて感謝します。そういう祝福を与え続けて、来る時スッキリできるように助けてください。 アーメン!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lucky Star Day

At my kindergarten, every so often they have, during lunchtime, something they call "Lucky Star Day". Ironically enough, it's literally called "Lucky Star Day", although when spoken with their Japanese katakana pronunciation, it becomes something that sounds more like "Rakki Stah Dei". I remember it being one of the first things they said at lunchtime that I could actually understand  lol

On "Lucky Star Day", the school lunch cooks take thin slices of carrots, and using a star-shaped cutter, cut out stars and randomly place them under the main dish for that day. Although it seems to vary a little each time, there's usually several winners per classroom. There's no "prize" or award for the winners, other than bragging rights for finding a star-shaped carrot buried in your food. Nevertheless, it is a nice surprise for those lucky enough to land one, and if the teachers manage to "win", it's not uncommon for them to take a picture of it with their cell phone (just as I did here :-) )
「ラッキースターディー」っていうことで、給食料理人はニンジンを細い切れで切ってで、星の形でニンジンの切れを切って、無作為にみんなのお数の下に入れています。だいたい組ずつたくさんの勝者がいる。ラッキースターを見つけた大いばり以外、賞品がないけど。其れでも、そういうビックリは良いことですよ。そして、もし先生が勝ったら、一般的に携帯で写真を撮ります 「ここの僕の撮った写真みたいにする」

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cute kids & stone paper

Today, I got an adorable surprise from some of my kids: origami!!  At the end of the day, the kids whose parents have come to pick them up yet all gather into one room (or a couple rooms) and wait for their parents to come.  While they're waiting, the kids play with toys, build things out of legos, AND create objects using origami paper.  After my last class today, one of the little girls gave me a box she made out of origami (pictured above), and after that other students started giving me their origami creations as well.  SO CUTE!! lol
今日僕の子供からとてもかわいいビックリものをくれた:折り紙! 仕事の最後にまだ迎えにきてくれない子どもは一緒に一つかいくつの部屋で集まって両親が来るのを待ちます。待つ間に玩具と遊んだり、レーゴズから何かを作られたり、折り紙ものも作ったりします。僕の今日の最後の授業の後で、女の子の中の一人の子は僕に折り紙から作られた箱をくれた「上の写真」そして、それから、他の子どもも自分の折り紙手作りものをくれた。本当にかわいいね!

Another interesting thing I saw today: a notepad of paper...made out of stone!  No, not a "Ten Commandments"-style stone tablet, but note paper made of rocks.  It was wild!  It looked just like a regular pad of scratch note paper, but rather than being made from trees, it was made from stone.  However, unlike a piece of normal paper, it was VERY resistant to actually stretched like plastic, yet you could write on it with the same ease as normal paper made from wood.  The lady @ the restaurant said it was made by a company in Taiwan, and that tablet was given to her as a gift.  

Think of all the trees this could save...:D

Monday, January 24, 2011

Super Mario!!!

So, I saw the coolest thing while I was shopping for some household necessities the other day.  There's a "home center"-ish store between my house and one of the kindergartens I work at, called "NAFCO".  I generally come here when I need to pick up stuff like soap, cleaning supplies, large stationery (i.e. whiteboards, etc..), or bicycle maintenance supplies.  However, last Wednesday I saw something that caught my eye that didn't fit in any of those categories: mushroom stool.  Seriously, like right out of a "Super Mario Bros." game: a perfect replica of Mario's Super Mushroom! functions (very well, I might add) as a stool that one can sit on while they watch movies, play video games,'s truly brilliant!  
じゃあ、 この間家庭用品を買うために買い物する間に一番かっこいみたいなものを見てた。お家と働く幼稚園の中の一つの幼稚園の間にホームセンターみたいな店がある。その店は「ナフコ」っていう店です。一般的に石けんか掃除ものか大きい文房具か自転車用品を買う時は、その店で買います。しかし、先週の水曜日上記のものじゃないものを見かけた。その見かけたものはキノコ椅子っていうものです!本間にスーパマリオブラザーズってゲームからみたいなものだ!スーパマッシュルームの完璧な複製品と思った。そして、本当の椅子の昨日もあるよ!それで床の上に映画を見えて、ビデオゲームができて、など。すごく便利ですよ!

For those of who don't know, I was a HUGE Mario fan growing up...I didn't just play the games: I read Mario comics, drew Mario pictures, created simple board games centered around the Mario universe.  In 7th grade I even wrote (and illustrated) a book based on Mario & his adventures.  I also wrote a letter to Nintendo, asking them if it was "ok" that I use their characters for my school assignment; they politely told me "no".

I used their characters anyway....SHHHHHH!!  :-*
でも、その本まだ作ってしまったので。。。何も言わないでね。 ;ー*

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Years Resolutions

Although I don't really like using the term "New Years Resolutions", it seemed the most apt in this situation. 

Last year was an amazing year for me: it was my first, full year living in Japan; my Japanese, while not perfect, saw some improvement, and God used that in some big and small ways; relationships ended, but new relationships (and opportunities to share the gospel with Japanese) opened up; I was more active than ever in my photography, and even photographed my first wedding! All of these amazing events (and more), but I seldom, if ever, took the time to share about those events, in particular via blog. Not that keeping a blog is necessary or the only way to document thoughts and events; however, my whole purpose in starting this blog was to keep you, my friends and family, abreast at what is happening in my life in Japan. And I royally fumbled the ball there. So this year, I want to make a "resolution" to document my thoughts more often, and to hear your wonderful feedback (if you feel so inclined :D).
去年は僕にとって すごくよかった年です、初めてずっと年間日本にいる年し、僕の日本語が少し上手くなったで、神様がそれを使えたし、いくつの人間関係が止めてしまったんだけど、一方新しい人間関係が開いたし、前よりよく写真を撮って、初めて友達の結婚式のためさえ写真を撮ってあげたし。すべての上記のすごいイベントがあったけど、あまりみんなに聞かせなかった、ブログで特に。自分の考えの伝え方はブログでしかないっていうことではないけど、アメリカの家族と友達に僕の日本の生活のことを教えられるようにこのブログを始めたんだから、それで今年もっとこのブログに自分の考えを載せたいで、みんなの手応えも聞きたいのです :D

Recently, I went home for two weeks over the Christmas/New Years break, and I have to say it was some of the most fun I'd had coming home in quite some time! The first week I spent in Ohio visiting mostly family, but also some friends.Although I was a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to meet up with all the friends I had wanted to see -- or spend more quality time with the ones that I did -- I was very pleased that I was able to spend more time with family than in past years. Another highlight during my stay in Ohio was getting to drive my car (2005 Mazda 3, baby, ZOOM-ZOOM!! lol). If only you understood the hassle I (and my poor immediate family) had to go through just so that I could drive my car LEGALLY....but it was definitely worth it. Unfortunately, because I'm planning to stay in Japan yet another year (and perhaps longer), I've decided that it'd be best to sell my car. Consequently, my most recent run with her may have been my last :(
最近クリスマスとニューイアズの休みのために二週間アメリカに帰ってで、すごく楽しい時間を過ごした!!一週間目オハイオ州に行って、殆ど家族に会ってで、少し友達も会ってた。全部の会いたい友達に会えなかったんだけど、前より今年は家族ともっといい時間を過ごすことができるのがよかった。他のアメリカに行ったハイライトは僕の車が運転出来たハイライトだった! 僕の車が合法的に運転できるように奮闘してたよ。でも、それ割に合ったと思う。しかし、もう一年間に本にいる予定ですから、僕の車を売ろうと決定しました。それで、多分最近の僕の車を運転する機会は最後の機会だ ー_ー