Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lucky Star Day

At my kindergarten, every so often they have, during lunchtime, something they call "Lucky Star Day". Ironically enough, it's literally called "Lucky Star Day", although when spoken with their Japanese katakana pronunciation, it becomes something that sounds more like "Rakki Stah Dei". I remember it being one of the first things they said at lunchtime that I could actually understand  lol

On "Lucky Star Day", the school lunch cooks take thin slices of carrots, and using a star-shaped cutter, cut out stars and randomly place them under the main dish for that day. Although it seems to vary a little each time, there's usually several winners per classroom. There's no "prize" or award for the winners, other than bragging rights for finding a star-shaped carrot buried in your food. Nevertheless, it is a nice surprise for those lucky enough to land one, and if the teachers manage to "win", it's not uncommon for them to take a picture of it with their cell phone (just as I did here :-) )
「ラッキースターディー」っていうことで、給食料理人はニンジンを細い切れで切ってで、星の形でニンジンの切れを切って、無作為にみんなのお数の下に入れています。だいたい組ずつたくさんの勝者がいる。ラッキースターを見つけた大いばり以外、賞品がないけど。其れでも、そういうビックリは良いことですよ。そして、もし先生が勝ったら、一般的に携帯で写真を撮ります 「ここの僕の撮った写真みたいにする」

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