It's been a while since I've written...
Although I read from the Bible almost everyday, it's generally only while I'm eating my breakfast, and so I don't always feel like I'm "doing enough". I'm not studying enough, I don't KNOW enough. In addition, I've tried multiple things: writing down my favorite verses after each reading, writing notes about my thoughts following each reading, and even keeping a Bible study-esque journal. Unfortunately, I haven't kept up with any of these things, generally because "there isn't enough time". However, looking back, the one thing I enjoyed doing the most was writing down my favorite verses. Why?
ほとんど毎朝、聖書を読むようにしていても、いつもだいたい朝ご飯を食べる時に読んでいる から、時々足りないって感じる。たくさん勉強しているわけでもないし、聖書のことを十分理解しているわけでもないし。それに、一番好きなみことばをノート に書いたり、聖書を読んだ後に考えたことを書き留めたり、日記も書いたり、たくさんのことをやってみたけど、残念ながら、今まで続けることができなかっ た。時間もないし。でもよく考えてみると、今まで続けようと試したものの中で一番楽しいと感じたのは、自分の一番好きな聖書のみことばを書くことだと思 う。
まず、あんまり時間 がかからないから。その時、気になった何節かを選んで書き留めるだけだし、小さいノートに書くから、職場に持って行って、見やすい所にも貼ったりできる。 その日、一日中、僕は励ましがほしい時とか、読んだ箇所を思い出したい時にも、何回でも読むことができる。ゆっくり考えて、その聖書のことばを心に刻む。
Today I read from the book of Luke, the account of when he and his family went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. For those of you who aren't familiar, the Feast of the Passover was a celebration in remembrance of when God freed his people, the Jews, from bondage to the Egyptians. After the feast, Jesus's earthly mother and father, Mary and Joseph, left the city to return to their home. Unbeknown to them, Jesus had stayed behind at the temple in Jerusalem. After traveling a day, they realized he was missing and hurried back to find him. When they found him at the temple, sitting among the teachers there, listening & asking them questions, they grew upset with him and asked "Why did you do such a thing to us, we were so worried!" But Jesus answered, "Why were you searching for me? Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" By "Father" Jesus was not referring to his earthly father, Joseph, but to God, his Heavenly Father, who's earthly house was the temple in Jerusalem. At that time, Mary didn't understand what Jesus was talking about, but the Bible records that she "treasured all these things in her heart." (Luke 2:51)
過 越しの祭りとは、神様がユダヤ人をエジプト人の抑圧から助けてくれたことを思い出して感謝するための祭り。その祭りのあと、イエスのこの世の両親であるマ リアとヨセフは、家に帰って来た。でも、2人はその日、イエスがイスラエルのあるお寺に泊まったことを知らず、翌日になってイエスがまだ帰ってきていない ことに気付き、また2人はイスラエルに戻った。イエスがそのお寺で、大人たちと話しをしている姿を見た2人は、「なぜ私たちを困らせたのか?」とイエスと 叱った。するとイエスは、「なぜわたしをお探しになったのですか?わたしが、わたしの父の家にいることを知らなかったのですか?」と言った。ここでイエス の言う「父」とは、ヨセフのことではなく、天の父である神様のこと。その時マリアは、イエスの話したことの意味が理解できなかったけれど、彼女は「これら のことをみな、心に留めておいた」と聖書に記録されている(ルカ2章51節)。
Earlier in the Gospel of Luke, he gave an account for the birth of Jesus. When the shepherds, who had been told by the angels that they would find the Savior of the world lying in a manger, found the baby Jesus just as the angels had told them, they were elated and began telling everyone they knew about what they had seen and heard. Again, the Bible records that Mary "treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart". (Luke 2:19)
ルカの福音書の初めの方には、イエスの誕生について書かれている。御使いに救い主であるイエスの誕生について聞いていた羊飼い たちは、飼い葉桶で眠っている幼いイエスを見て、喜んだ。そして、他の人にもこのイエスの誕生を伝えた。ここでもマリアが「これらのことをすべて心に納め て、思い巡らしていた」と聖書に書かれている(ルカ2章19節)。
Whenever something great happened, even if she didn't understand exactly what it all meant, Mary took all those memories and treasured them up in her heart. She pondered them, and I believe this not only gave her joy during times of sorrow, but it also gave her a great appreciation for God and all that he was doing her her life.
Likewise, when I write down those notes & keep them in front of me, I'm able to "store them in my heart" and ponder them. Even if I don't understand the meaning right away, over time I believe God will reveal their truth to me, and that truth will give me great joy!
それと同じように、僕もみことばをノート に書いて、目のつくところに貼っておくことで、いつでも自分の心に神様のことばを納め、考えることができる。その時は意味が分からなかったとしても、少し ずつ神様が僕にその意味を教えてくれること、そしてその真実が僕に大きな喜びを与えてくれることを信じている。
Similarly, I believe we can apply this practice to any good thing that happens in life: the birth of a child, the words of praise from a friend, family member, or co-worker, or words of thanks from someone we helped out. If we store things like these in our hearts & ponder them, we can easily recall them during periods of our life when we're sad or feeling rejected. We can remember the times when we felt blessed by God and that will give us the strength to praise and thank him even when we don't feel so blessed. It also makes us less likely to act out in anger and hurt others.
こうやって聖書のことばを心に刻むように、何か良いことがあったら、例えば、赤ちゃんが生まれたり、友達や家 族、同僚から褒めてもらったり、何かを助けてあげた人からの感謝の言葉をもらったりした時、その出来事を心に納めていると、悲しい時にも喜びを思い出すこ とができる。神様からの祝福がないように感じる時でも、それまでにもらった祝福を思い出すと、神様に感謝する力が与えられる。そうすると、怒ったり、人を 傷付けてしまうことって、すごく少なくなると思う。
So whenever someone does something nice for you or says something nice to you, don't lightly accept the help or compliment and quickly forget about it: treasure it! Let it penetrate your heart, where you can store it & ponder it for later. It will bring joy not only to you, but to your Heavenly Father as well. God bless!
だから、いつでも人から何か良いことをしてもらったり、嬉しい言葉をもらった時は、軽く受け止めて、すぐに忘れてしまうので はなく、しっかり心に刻む。自分の心に染み込ませて、納めておいて、ゆっくり思い巡らす。そうすることで、自分自身にも喜びが与えられるし、天にいる僕た ちのお父さんもそれを喜んでくれる。
I really enjoyed this post, Jeremy. Storing up good and meaningful memories does help us in the tough times. I keep a folder in my email called "Encouragement." I keep encouraging emails, thank yous, or just success stories that people have shared with me in working with internationals in there. They all lift me up when I'm down. Mary knew what was up, she had it going on.
ReplyDeleteHmmm...that's a good idea. I'll have to keep that one in mind, thanks HB ^__^